Nordic Psychedelic Training - Iceland  Contact us

MAPS Educators and staff

Marcela Ot’alora

Marcella has an MA in Transpersonal Psychology from Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, and an MFA in Fine Arts from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.  Marcela is an Installation artist, researcher, teacher, and supervisor. For 25 years she has been in private practice working primarily with trauma and specifically with PTSD. Her interest and focus on trauma led her to understand the healing journey as an intimate re-connection with one’s innate essence through love, integrity, compassion, and honoring of the human spirit.  In addition to private practice, she has dedicated her professional life to training and research.  Beginning in 1999, she has worked on various studies sponsored by the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) as a Principal Investigator and investogator using MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for the treatment of PTSD. Additionally, she is a lead educator and supervisor for MAPS’ MDMA-assisted therapy training program. 

Bruce Poulter

Bruce has  worked much of his career with people in altered states. He was initiated into health care as an ICU nurse at UC San Francisco Moffitt Hospital when the AIDS pandemic first emerged and began devastating our communities. Later he received a MPH from UC Berkeley in Health Planning and Policy. He went on to develop public health programs including one of the first certified nurse-midwife based perinatal programs serving low income women, and a program that identified and provided care for families at risk for abuse and neglect of their children. He has worked extensively somatically with people in chronic pain and was an intimate observer of the first government approved MDMA for PTSD MAPS study in Madrid, Spain in 1999. He has offered harm reduction services thru Zendo and other organizations, was an investigator in the MAPS Boulder MDMA for PTSD Phase 1, 2 and 3 trials, is currently a Lead Educator and MentorSupervisor for therapists working on studies for MDMA-Assisted Therapy.

Aneta Dorazilová 
(Training Assistant)

Aneta is Prague-based clinical psychologist. Currently, she leads a team of psychologists in therapy clinic for people with psychotic experience. Besides that she´s been working in her private therapeutic practice for the last 7 years. She has a PhD. in Clinical psychology and is trained in gestalt psychotherapy. She is curious about different states of mind and psychoanalytic theory. In 2018 she had the opportunity to start a training in MDMA-assisted therapy with MAPS, which happened to be a lifechanging experience. It is a joy for her to work with passionate people, witness the therapeutic process and seeing changes for the better. Besides work, she loves nature, music, reading and hiking with her partner and their two dogs.

Filip Tylš 
(Training Assistant)

Filip is the co-founder of the psychedelic clinic Psyon, where – as a psychiatrist, psychotherapist and medical director – he mainly practices psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy (PAP). He also works as a neuroscientist at the Czech National Institute of Mental Health, participating in psychedelic research and as an assistant psychiatrist at the 3rd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University (Psychiatric Clinic).

João da Fonseca
(Training Assistant)

João is a Clinical Psychologist from Portugal with an M.A. in existential psychotherapy and also a licensed psychotherapist trained in Transpersonal and Existential psychotherapy, Focusing-Oriented Therapy and EMDR. Currently works in private practice and at the Liminal Minds clinic in Lisbon, where he offers Ketamine-Assisted Therapy. In 2020 he joined the Champalimaud Foundation as one of the lead therapists in the Compass trial where he received training in Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy. During that time he also received training in MDMA-Assisted Therapy from MAPS (Part E missing). Always been passionate about working and exploring altered states of consciousness as well as experiential and somatic approaches that honour the implicit wisdom of each person. Lives by the sea, loves surfing, dancing and hiking in nature.

Other Training Assistants: 

Antti Hupli
Christopher Boehlke
Mippi Vuorikoski
Rosario Vergara
Stanislav Tinskystan


MAPS Educators and staff

Marcela Ot’alora

Marcella has an MA in Transpersonal Psychology from Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, and an MFA in Fine Arts from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.  Marcela is an Installation artist, researcher, teacher, and supervisor. For 25 years she has been in private practice working primarily with trauma and specifically with PTSD. Her interest and focus on trauma led her to understand the healing journey as an intimate re-connection with one’s innate essence through love, integrity, compassion, and honoring of the human spirit.  In addition to private practice, she has dedicated her professional life to training and research.  Beginning in 1999, she has worked on various studies sponsored by the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) as a Principal Investigator and investogator using MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for the treatment of PTSD. Additionally, she is a lead educator and supervisor for MAPS’ MDMA-assisted therapy training program. 

Bruce Poulter

Bruce has  worked much of his career with people in altered states. He was initiated into health care as an ICU nurse at UC San Francisco Moffitt Hospital when the AIDS pandemic first emerged and began devastating our communities. Later he received a MPH from UC Berkeley in Health Planning and Policy. He went on to develop public health programs including one of the first certified nurse-midwife based perinatal programs serving low income women, and a program that identified and provided care for families at risk for abuse and neglect of their children. He has worked extensively somatically with people in chronic pain and was an intimate observer of the first government approved MDMA for PTSD MAPS study in Madrid, Spain in 1999. He has offered harm reduction services thru Zendo and other organizations, was an investigator in the MAPS Boulder MDMA for PTSD Phase 1, 2 and 3 trials, is currently a Lead Educator and MentorSupervisor for therapists working on studies for MDMA-Assisted Therapy.

Aneta Dorazilová 
(Training Assistant)

Aneta is Prague-based clinical psychologist. Currently, she leads a team of psychologists in therapy clinic for people with psychotic experience. Besides that she´s been working in her private therapeutic practice for the last 7 years. She has a PhD. in Clinical psychology and is trained in gestalt psychotherapy. She is curious about different states of mind and psychoanalytic theory. In 2018 she had the opportunity to start a training in MDMA-assisted therapy with MAPS, which happened to be a lifechanging experience. It is a joy for her to work with passionate people, witness the therapeutic process and seeing changes for the better. Besides work, she loves nature, music, reading and hiking with her partner and their two dogs.

Filip Tylš 
(Training Assistant)

Filip is the co-founder of the psychedelic clinic Psyon, where – as a psychiatrist, psychotherapist and medical director – he mainly practices psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy (PAP). He also works as a neuroscientist at the Czech National Institute of Mental Health, participating in psychedelic research and as an assistant psychiatrist at the 3rd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University (Psychiatric Clinic).

João da Fonseca
(Training Assistant)

João is a Clinical Psychologist from Portugal with an M.A. in existential psychotherapy and also a licensed psychotherapist trained in Transpersonal and Existential psychotherapy, Focusing-Oriented Therapy and EMDR. Currently works in private practice and at the Liminal Minds clinic in Lisbon, where he offers Ketamine-Assisted Therapy. In 2020 he joined the Champalimaud Foundation as one of the lead therapists in the Compass trial where he received training in Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy. During that time he also received training in MDMA-Assisted Therapy from MAPS (Part E missing). Always been passionate about working and exploring altered states of consciousness as well as experiential and somatic approaches that honour the implicit wisdom of each person. Lives by the sea, loves surfing, dancing and hiking in nature.

Other Training Assistants: 

Antti Hupli
Christopher Boehlke
Mippi Vuorikoski
Rosario Vergara
Stanislav Tinskystan

Our sponsors

Friðrik Steinn

We extend our deepest gratitude to Friðrik Steinn and Sigurður Gísli for their significant contributions, without which this transformative educational journey would not have been possible for many.

Sigurður Gísli

It is with heartfelt appreciation that we acknowledge the role our sponsors have played not only in the financial aspects but also in fostering a sense of community within the Nordic psychedelic landscape. By supporting this initiative, they have helped create connections that enrich the collective experience of our participants, bringing the Nordic psychedelic community closer together.

Nordic Organizers

Haraldur Örn Erlendsson (Iceland)

 Iceland medical school graduate, with 5 years medicine and neurology training,  5 years  general practice followed by training in psychiatry in the UK. He worked as a consultant psychiatrist in community mental health teams/ inpatient care. Specialised in complex trauma treatment. Led a private sector service for women with borderline personality disorder.  Also led and managed a mental health team in Iceland in general rehabilitation.  For the last 4 years he has been working in a private outpatient setting.  He has a special interest in Jungian approaches, EMDR and hypnosis. Lately had a growing interest in the field of psychedelics for the treatment of mental health issues especially related to trauma.

Sigridur Sigurdardottir (Iceland)

On ground project manager for the training. She has been organising trips (not psychedelic though), workshops and conferences in Iceland and abroad since 2006. For the last few years she’s been trying to get out of tourism and into more important things, and is now a certified breathwork coach with plans to further her education in breathwork and somatics. Sigga thought she was done with organising until this project came along and she couldn’t say no to being a part of this vital step into the future.

Anders Thingmand (Denmark)

Psychologist and Jungian therapist in private practice. Co-founder and spokesperson of Network for Psychedelic Therapy and Medicine, Copenhagen. Did the MAPS education in New York in 2022, has done lectures about MDMA-AT and is engaged in bringing MDMA-AT to Denmark. Has a special interest in ancient Greek philosophy, phenomenology, depth psychology and the relationship between dreams, psychosis and psychedelic experiences. Will not be present in Iceland for the March 2024 training.

Anders Vogt

Integrative Jungian psychotherapist and dreamworker working in private practice in Copenhagen. Teacher/supervisor at the Vedfelt Institute's psychotherapy training program. Deeply interested in dreams, symbols, hermetic philosophy and alchemical psychology.  Completed the MDMA Assisted Therapy education with MAPS in New York 2022. Currently working with integration therapy but hoping eventually to be able to practice psychedelic therapy in a legal setting. Will not be present in Iceland for the March 2024 training.



Dorte Vilsgaard

Clinical psychologist approved by the Danish Psychologist Association as Psychologist Specialist in trauma and disaster but also Specialist and supervisor in work and organisational psychology. Working I private practice at the danish west coast treating traumas - specifically workplace traumas, PTSD grief and prolonged grief in adults. Extensive board member experience and love to participate in humanitarian, voluntary and political work.

Ingrid Hegland

I am a sexologist and couples therapist at the Institute for Emotional Health. My clients suffer from (C-) PTSD, from sexual abuse, violent upbringings, and sexual assault, and have problems with deep bonding, emotional closeness, sexual intimacy, and low libido. I have 4-years of training as a psychotherapist and have studied clinical and developmental psychology at the University of Copenhagen.

Kate Pilar Christensen

Hi everybody, my name is Kate 🙂 I live in Copenhagen and work as a psychologist in a private practice with Marie Louise, who is also joining us for this training. I have previously worked with PTSD treatment in a psychiatric clinic and in recent years I have ventured into the world of psychedelics, fascinated by its potential for helping people heal. Looking forward to meeting you all!

Kevin Mikkelsen

I have a love for navigating life with gratitude and wonder. By profession I am a psychotherapist specialized in existential, transpersonal and ecotherapy. I am the founder and director of the Danish Center for Psychedelic Awareness. I teach and facilitate ecotherapy at Human Education Group, while being employed in a private psychiatric practice and running my own practice at 

Marie-Louise Peterslund Triksys

Copenhagen based Psychologist with background in psychiatry, and now in private practice. I am focusing on psychedelic integration therapy.Currentlly attending the 3-year program Psychedelic Therapy Training, by Awe Foundation, based in Colombia. Steering group member of the Psychedelic Therapy and Medicine network in Denmark.  Also a mother, I love plants, dreaming, dancing, and swimming in cold waters.

Michaeli Nunes Tonnesen

My name is Michaeli. I am working as a Psychomotor Therapist in Oasis (Denmark) - Cross-disciplinary treatment of traumatized refugees with PTSD and C-PTSD. I was born in Denmark but "made in Brazil." My mother came to Denmark, pregnant with me, as a political refugee in 1976. In my yonger days I worked as a professional contempory dancer, wich has formed my way to work with body awareness. I live with my family (husband and my two girls) in a suburb to Copenhagen.

MIkkel Albrecht Auning-Hansen

Full time psychologist and full time dad of three boys, with my wife and a puppy. Co-author in peer-reviewed research, lead psychologist and head of treatment. My work is specifically adult refugees suffering from PTSD with 12 years experience. It’s a gruesome business and I value my free time greatly. I enjoy dark Belgian beer, gaming, swimming and lifting heavy stuff. Member of Round Table. 

Peter Kim Wittenburg

Psychologist, 63, curious in my heart and mind and life-long student. Based in Copenhagen at Institute for Emotional Health. Love couplework on Intimacy and Desire. Since 1985 certified trainings in Gestalt, Systemic, Imago, Rogerian work, CBT, EFT, Narrative, Group- and Psychoanalysis. The last 14 years dedicated to learning Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy. Ready and curious about the next step: MAPS2024.

Sabrina Brødsgaard Nielsen

34-year-old psychologist and head of treatment at RCT- Rehabilitation Center for Trauma Survivors. I work with assessment and treatment of traumatized children and adults, primarily refugees. I am doing research, especially about PTSD and CPTSD. I’m married and mother of a 5-year-old self-proclaimed genius. 

Signe Steenberger

I am a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice. I teach IFS, provide supervision, and conduct training groups in IFS. I also facilitate nature-based retreats focusing on cultivating self-compassion for health professionals. In IFS, clients work in a slightly altered state of consciousness which can acces the inner healer intelligence. I am also the co-founder of the IFS community in Denmark

Tanja Condrea

MA in psychology and communication, specialized in stress and depression and trained as a bodytherapist. In the last few years, I have worked as a therapist with people suffering from anxiety, stress, PTSD and depression.Previously in the public sector working with people with complex problems (multiple mental and physical diagnoses, abuse, socially isolated, etc.). For a long time, I have been inspired by the psychedelic research and find it promising.


Anette Malinen

I am Anette Malinen licensed Trauma Psychotherapist and e.g. Sexual counseling specialist NACS. Hypno- and EMDR- therapist. I'm curious and always willing learning something new. I train nature terapists and I am the mother of three teenagers/young adults. I enjoy the darkness and silence, which is why I sometimes spend long periods of time in Lapland with my rescue dog.

Joel Markkanen

A doctor in occupational health care by day, a start up entrepreneur by night. Looking to train in psychotherapy in the future. In my free time I enjoy rock climbing, dancing and "pötköttely", a Finnish term for laying down somewhere pleasant, doing nothing in particular except witnessing the passing of time.

Martti Severi Vannas

Passionate about authenticity, courage and creativity. Working as a medical doctor and gestalt psychotherapist. Also a professional magician and corporate entertainer. Eager to learn more about the forefronts of psychedelic research and therapy. 

Oscari Ventilä

I’m a licensed psychotherapist and psychiatrist, working in a public mental health and private clinic. In 2022 I attended Integrative Psychiatry Institute’s year-long training of psychedelic-assisted therapies and did my CBT-training’s thesis work about the topic. I’m curious about the mysteries of human being and passionate about creating a more balanced, loving, and peaceful world for all of us.

Outi Hilgert

I am a Finnish MD and meditation teacher with 25 years of experience in integrative medicine and an international background working in Finland, Germany, France, and the US. My special interest is promoting mind-body and trauma-informed medicine (mindfulness, meditation, emotion regulation, and somatic and spiritual healing) in the prevention and treatment of mental and physical diseases.

Patrick Zilliacus

I am a clinical psychologist and working as a therapist in Claivoyant`s clinical research that combines counselling and psilocybin sessions for the alcohol abuse disorder. I'm also working as a private therapist and especially interested in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Most of the time I dance bachata, run, swim & relax.

Reidar Nervander

I´m Reidar, a psychologist from Finland with a background in psychiatric outpatient care. I´m also working with the Finnish Association for Psychedelic Research in order to provide and expand the knowledge of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy among mental health professionals. Apart from my professional career, I love doing sports and will occasionally deep dive into sci-fi literature. 


Aleksandra Urukalo Mihaljenovic

I earned my MS in Psychology in Croatia, and hold both a Clinical Psychology license and an Occupational Psychology license in Croatia. I hold the European Certificate of Integrative Psychotherapy (ECIP) and also a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner license. I currently work as an Integrative Psychotherapist in my private practice in Reykjavik.

Ásdís Olsen

I am a Mindfulness teacher, a Hypnotist, a CranioSacral therapist and PhD student in the field of Mindfulness. My experiences with hypnosis and psychedelics have given me an insight into the subconscious and hope that we can process trauma and heal. Therefore I am extremely interested in safe and effective MDMA assisted therapy for more wellbeing, love and compassion in the World.

Berglind Björk Hreinsdóttir

I am a therapist at Lausnin, family and trauma canter, working with people suffering from anxiety, stress, depression, and PTSD. I emphasis on somatic approaches and my interest is on the mind-body connection. I am also a mediator, hypnotist, and a coach with long experience as a HR manager and consultant.

Helma Rut Bergmann Einarsdóttir

My name is Helma Bergmann. I live in the Reykjavík area, Iceland and work as a psychologist in private practice and at a rehabilitation center. In my work I use EMDR therapy, compassion focused therapy, mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy and am very interested in learning more about how psychedelics can help in trauma work.

Ingibjörg Magnadóttir 

My name is Ingibjörg. I work with Grief & Bereavement, Brainspotting, IFS and art

Katrín Mist Jónsdóttir

Educated within the field of psychology and holding a postgraduate diploma in critical thinking and ethics. 4 years worth of experience working with addiction and co-occuring mental disorders at the psychiatric ward of the national hospital. Recently switched units into focus on psychosis and psychotic disorders. Has a profound interest in the human experience, specifically the unconscious mind. Overall an enthusiastic spirit, thirsty for knowledge. 

Ragnhildur Inga Guðbjartsdóttir

I am a well-being practitioner specialising in lifestyle medicine, positive psychology, and integration pre and post psychedelic therapies. I am passionate about guiding individuals towards holistic wellness by combining diverse practices. Implementing lifestyle changes and positive psychology to enhance mental health. I am married, a mother or three and soon to become a grandma.   

Sigrún Lovísa Sigurðardóttir 

My name is Sigrún and I live in Akureyri Iceland. I have been working as a registered nurse for 30 years. I believe that psychedelic medicine will be very important in the future. I have experienced this myself recently and my hope is to be able to learn to support my patients on their journeys in the future. 

Silja Rut Jónsdóttir

A mother of two and a psychologist. Been exploring the world of psychedelics for the last two years or so and looking forward to meeting likeminded people.

Steinunn Thorlacius Garðarsdóttir

I’m Steinunn from Iceland, a somatic practitioner that runs a private practise where I use talk-therapy, bodywork and arts. I have two children and a husband and my passion in life is enjoying a well balanced family life and supporting my clients on their healing journeys. 

Sunnefa Lindudóttir

My name is Sunnefa Lindudóttir and I am 40 years old. I live in Reykjavík iceland with my husband and two daughters.I am a nurse and I work as a department manager in a nursing home. I have always been facinated with alternative medicine and pallative care. I have personal experience of combining mdma with hypnotherapy and experienced great healing. My dream is to be able to help people with their trauma using this method.

Þóra Hlín Friðriksdóttir

My passion is in supporting individuals into more integrated & wholesome life of being. Shedding old belief system & to live life more freely.

Unnur Edda Garðarsdóttir

Unnur is an anthropologist, teacher and a Phd student, researching dating practices and romantic relationships among young people in Iceland. She is also a family therapist, speicalizing in developmental and relational trauma with emphasis on somatic approaches.

Vilhjálmur Hjaltalín

I have BA degree in psychology and a diploma in mindfulness studies. I work in a psychiatric unit for children and adolescents in the National Hospital of Iceland where I'm part of the family therapy team. I'm generally interested in exploring all ways that may promote health and happiness.

Ylfa Edith Fenger

Married, with four children, one grandchild and a fat cat. Interests in arts, music, nature, spirituality, somatics & breathwork. Background: psychedelics, altered states and trans personal psychology (Research: People with cancer and psychedelics), coach (PCC), positive psychology (Resilience), work-and organizational psychology & pedagogy (Research: grief & bereavement). 


Irma Hein

My name is Irma Hein, I am a child psychiatrist working in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. For my clinical work I am affiliated at Levvel, and do mostly treatment of trauma, attachment and family psychiatry. Also I am associate professor / senior researcher at Amsterdam University Medical Center. I love walking, cycling, cooking and gardening, and culture. I take care of three lovely growing up sons.   

Nathalie Schlattmann 

Clinical psychologist and psychotherapist at Levvel in Amsterdam. I work in the therapeutic fostercare department with chronically traumatized children of all ages. I’m a EMDR consultant, TF-CBT trainer and family therapist. I live outside of Amsterdam with my partner and two children (18 and 16 years old). 

Sabine van Kampen

42-year-old trauma and family therapist living in Haarlem, Netherlands, is dedicated to addressing complex trauma and attachment issues at Levvel, a prominent youth mental health care organization in Amsterdam. Specializing in intergenerational trauma and attachment, Sabine leads a team focused on diagnosing and treating attachment problems. Trained in multiple trauma therapies, she works with children and young people suffering from complex PTSD due to adverse childhood experiences. As part of Levvel's Trauma and Attachment knowledge network, Sabine engages in research, consultation, and knowledge dissemination, exploring innovative therapies like MAPS therapy to enhance client care.

Sander de Vries

Licensed clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, working in Amsterdam focusing on the treatment of attachment and trauma-related problems in children growing up in foster care. In addition he functions as a clinical supervisor for the intensive trauma treatment program. Inspired by the application of nonviolent resistance to break patterns of violent and self-destructive behavior. Sander will participate as a therapist in the 'making MDMA medicine' study that will be conducted within the child and adolescent psychiatry department of the Amsterdam University Medical Center.


Aina Mumbi

Passed 50, I have arrived nowhere. Hair still in disarray, body restless, eager heart, eyes lit. my days I pass mining with my 'patients' (patient they are!) in the oft-confusing, sometimes aching and always intriguing recesses of heartmind. do we get anywhere? there is nowhere to go. but beauty is here, and love and pain and wonder and worrry. i have children, 3 who i made and who made me, and 2 that i did not make but who saved me. i have a dog-friend that i adore, and a lover that i cannot shake. i am a doctor and thus a poet, weaving courage from fear, and clarity from confusion. on the good days, at least. looking forward to meeting you all! 

Elisabeth Amdahl Skrataas

I am Elisabeth, a 38year old clinical psychologist, specialized in adult psychology. I work at Friskstiftelsen, an inpatient clinic specialized in trauma, severe anxiety and depression. Part of my responsibilities in addition to clinical work, are development of the professional strategies and research possibilities. I am trained in EMDR and ISTDP and I find the new possibilities of psychedelics very exciting. I am especially interested in seeing how the inpatient interventions and setting can enhance healing in terms of the period of plasticity. I am married, live in Elverum, Norway with my two daughters and an eager dog. 

Espen M. G. Kristoffersen

Norwegian psychologist, specialised in the field of psychotherapy. Mainly an ISTDP therapist, but do use EMDR, CBT, IRRT, and other forms of psychotherapy. Is also currently developing a form of integrative psychotherapy focusing on activity and movement aimed at clients suffering from complex relational trauma: Boxing therapy. Highly interested in the development of forms and interventions that improves the effectiveness of psychotherapy in general.

Katinka Thorne Salvesen

Currently working at Modum Bads trauma clinic in Oslo as a specialist in clinical psychology with groups and individual therapy. I recently published and article on mindfulness and compassion healing trauma. My approach is integrative and body oriented. I run trauma sensitive yoga classes. 

Markus Lien

Norwegian psychologist based in Copenhagen. I run a private clinic with focus on both psychotherapy and assessment/diagnosis of diverse mental health issues and neurodevelopmental disorders. Passionate about MDMA-assisted psychotherapy and feel I’m now closing the circle, as it was psychedelics and altered states of consciousness that sparked my initial interest in psychology back in 2014. 

Mari de Flon Hetland

Clinical psychologist, 10 years experience, mostly from trauma treatment in public outpatient clinic. Leading the trauma team in Moss (hospital of Østfold) my main concern besides clinical work is developing a better phramework for securing high quality treatment in this setting. PsykForsk, also sentered at Moss, has been doing the important job of starting out clinical research on MDMA in Norway. Following this development, I really look forward to seek deeper understanding on this area. Cultivated to be used wisely in the years to come, I hope to see psychedelics as a part of a bigger shift bringing us closer to each other and nature, less numbed.

Nora Nord Rydningen

I work as a Clinical Psychologist at Psykologvirke and as a teacher at the University of Oslo. I am passionate about learning ways to decrease suffering and to increase our capacity for wisdom. I am curious to learn more about the potential in MDMA treatment. I love nature, people, play and creativity in therapy and in life. I live in Oslo with my partner, two boys and a cat.

Veslemøy Merton

I am a clinical psychologist working at the Traumacenter at Psykologvirke in Oslo, with individual-, couple- and family- therapy. Several of my lovely collegues joined this training last automn and they recomended it warmly.

Once a year I a run course in bodyoriented traumatherapy for therapist and a training in gruoptherapy for psychologist. 

I love to dance, meditate and eat lots of chocolate. At the moment I live with my son, dog and a boyfriend close by. 


Cecilia Franke

Hi everyone, I am Cecilia Franke, lic psychotherapist, licphysicaltherapist, supervisor CBT. Living in Stockholm City and house in the archipelago - love of nature and sailing at most. Working in a private clinic just outside Stockholm, as a supervisor in CBT and also at Nysnö retreats Holland. Special interest in working with psychedelics.

Filip Bromberg

I'm a clinical psychologist, mainly concerned with the integration of psychedelic modalities in healthcare and society. I co-founded the Swedish Network of Psychedelic Science in 2015, and The Osmond Foundation (now Norrsken Mind) in 2020. Since 2021 I organize and facilitate psilocybin retreat programs for the Swedish company Nysnö. Part of my work with Nysnö also involves running courses for healthcare practitioners and organizing community events such as breathwork and sound journeys. My main passion within psychedelic work is msuic. I also work in private practice with harm reduction and integration.

Giuseppe Guerriero

As a psychiatrist and researcher, my primary focus lies in addressing disorders within the trauma spectrum, including BPD, PTSD, CPTSD, and DID. I am keen on gaining a deeper understanding of the physiopathological mechanisms underlying these conditions, aiming to develop innovative and more effective treatments. I am convinced that psychedelic-assisted therapy represents the long-awaited revolution in psychiatry. To further explore this avenue, I am eager to delve into the methodology required for its application in clinical settings and research endeavors.

Jenny Nordqvist

I'm a practicing psychotherapist for 20+ years and a PSI Instructor Candidate (Psychedelic Somatic Institute)

My expertise includes working with trauma and trauma therapies, Mindfulness, embodiment and the intersection of spirituality and mental health

Worked for 5 years with various psychedelic medicines for my own healing.

Joel Gruneau Brulin

Clinical psychologist and researcher. In my therapy I work with the affect focused therapeutic method ISTDP, which I’m curious on how to integrate with psychedelic therapy. Research wise my main interest is related to attachment theory. Previously I’ve focused on the idea of non-human attachment objects, and lately on the possibility that psychedelic therapy may facilitate secure attachment.

Johan Eriksson

I'm a licensed psychologist, since 12 years, who worked as a therapist in Sweden’s first clinical trial of psilocybin treatment for depression. I have a background in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Intensive Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP). I have been working with clients for psychedelic preparation and integration, as well as general psychotherapy in private practice. In 2016 I co-founded the Swedish Network for Psychedelic Science (NPV). In 2021 I co-founded Nysnö, where I am currently lead facilitator organizing retreat programs with psilocybin truffles in the Netherlands.This spring I will also be working on one of the Compass phase 3 sites in Sweden.

Magdalena Bluhme

Licensed psychotherapist and supervisor in private practice doing psychotherapy and supervising groups and individuals. Focus on complex trauma, attachment difficulties and structural dissociation. Certified AEDP psychotherapist in 2017 and a certified AEDP supervisor in 2021. Currently involved in Neurofeedback (brain training) and DBR (Deep Brain reorienting). This coming summer I will publish my first own book. I have written single chapters in other books before. The title of the book is: He doesn’t love us anymore. It’s an autofiction about how to recover growing up with parents that both suffered from complex trauma.

Maja Koppfeldt

My name is Maja Koppfeldt and I am 46 years old, Licensed Psychotherapist and sexologist. I work at WONSA and specialize in incest and work mainly with adult patients. I am my own entrepreneur and clinician, lecture, supervise and am about to publish my first book this spring about Incest and sexual abuse of children in our time.

Rebecka Helén Malm

I am a lic psychologist and IFS therapist from Gothenburg, Sweden. I work in private practice with therapy and supervision, and have experience with harm reduction and integration for many years as most of my clients have tried substances on their own. Been in panels, pods and lectures about meditation, spiritual experiences and psychedelics/MDMA. Also a therapist in the PSIPET study.

Veronika Joanna Ryd

Hi, my name is Veronika Ryd and I'm a Licensed Psychotherapist from Stockholm, Sweden. I work part-time for the Specialist Clinic WONSA (World of No sexual Abuse) and part-time with my own private practice Kognitiva Kliniken. This is one of my passions and I'm so excited to be able to participate in the program.