Nordic Psychedelic Training - Iceland  Contact us

Welcome to Iceland 

This site is for the participants in the MAPS MDMA Therapy Education Program to socially connect with each other.
Please note that the education is fully booked and there are no available seats. 

BRINGING MDMA-assisted psychotherapy to the nordics

In November 2023 researchers and therapists dedicated to bringing MDMA-assisted psychotherapy to the Nordic countries gathered for the first Nordic MAPS Educational program and in March 2024 a new group will gather. 

Beginning in the year 930 and continuing for more than 800 years, people in Iceland gathered every year in Thingvellir in the middle of Iceland where the North American and the Eurasian continental plates meet. This was an opportunity for people from different regions to meet and for the counsel, known as the world's oldest parliament, to bring important topics up for discussion.

In a similar spirit it is our hope that this gathering of the emerging Nordic MDMA-AT community from Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland and trainers coming from the US, the Netherlands and Switzerland will not only greatly expand the community of Nordic MAPS´ trained therapists, but also provide a unique opportunity for networking. The professional and personal connections that will be made during this week, will most likely shape the future of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy in the Nordic countries in the coming years.

Being located between the continents and with it´s special landscape, tradition and atmosphere, we hope that this gathering in Iceland, like the magical rainbow bridge connecting the worlds in Norse mythology, will help to bring the pioneering work of MAPS to our part of the world. And that the panel, like the old counsels, will provide us an opportunity to bring important topics up for discussion and maybe begin shaping a shared vision of the role that the Nordic countries could play as a part of the global psychedelic movement.

More about the event

Practical Information

In the Practical Information you can find answers to most questions you are likely to have about the event. 

Read more here: Practical Information

Who's Who

Meet your Educators, Organizers and fellow participants

Go to the Who's Who section to get acquainted with all the folks participating in this education. 

Read more here: 2024 Cohort

photo by Piotr Wojtkowski photo by Mohamed Mahmoud Hassan Photo by Jean Beaufort