Nordic Psychedelic Training - Iceland  Contact us

MAPS Educators and staff

Marcela Ot’alora

Marcella has an MA in Transpersonal Psychology from Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, and an MFA in Fine Arts from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.  Marcela is an Installation artist, researcher, teacher, and supervisor. For 25 years she has been in private practice working primarily with trauma and specifically with PTSD. Her interest and focus on trauma led her to understand the healing journey as an intimate re-connection with one’s innate essence through love, integrity, compassion, and honoring of the human spirit.  In addition to private practice, she has dedicated her professional life to training and research.  Beginning in 1999, she has worked on various studies sponsored by the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) as a Principal Investigator and investogator using MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for the treatment of PTSD. Additionally, she is a lead educator and supervisor for MAPS’ MDMA-assisted therapy training program. 

Bruce Poulter

Bruce has  worked much of his career with people in altered states. He was initiated into health care as an ICU nurse at UC San Francisco Moffitt Hospital when the AIDS pandemic first emerged and began devastating our communities. Later he received a MPH from UC Berkeley in Health Planning and Policy. He went on to develop public health programs including one of the first certified nurse-midwife based perinatal programs serving low income women, and a program that identified and provided care for families at risk for abuse and neglect of their children. He has worked extensively somatically with people in chronic pain and was an intimate observer of the first government approved MDMA for PTSD MAPS study in Madrid, Spain in 1999. He has offered harm reduction services thru Zendo and other organizations, was an investigator in the MAPS Boulder MDMA for PTSD Phase 1, 2 and 3 trials, is currently a Lead Educator and MentorSupervisor for therapists working on studies for MDMA-Assisted Therapy.

Annette van Schagen
(Training Assistant)

Clinical psychologist, psychotherapist and senior researcher at ARQ Centrum’45, a Dutch national mental health institute specializing in assessment en treatment of complex psychotrauma symptoms. Has experience in treating PTSD in refugees and asylum seekers, uniformed personnel and victims of sexual abuse. Trained in EMDR, narrative exposure therapy, prolonged exposure and MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for PTSD. She is a therapist in a residential high intensive trauma treatment program, and the MP18 MDMA-AT study, and has a PhD in nightmares and has a special interest in nightmares and sleep problems in PTSD.

Bianca King
(Training Assistant)

Psychological Counsellor and Meditation Teacher from Geneva, Switzerland. Co-founder of the Compassionate Care Center which offers Psychedelic Assisted Therapy (PAT) sessions. Qualified MAPS MDMA therapist and graduate of the CIIS CPTR training. Prominent mindfulness teacher in Geneva and lifelong vipassana practicitioner. Masters in Psychotherapy and Counselling focusing on existential issues, hospice and palliative care.  Also experience inSensorimotor Psychotherapy and Internal Family Systems. Currently developing an 8 week Compassion-based Mindfulness Course for PAT. Lives in Geneva with her husband and son.

Ivar Goksøyr
(Training Assistant)

A specialist in clinical psychology, and founder of Psykologvirke and a psychedelic researcher and therapist at Psykforsk, Østfold state Hospital. Ivar is a MAPS-certified MDMA therapist working in clinical trials on MDMA-AT for PTSD and depression. He is the co-founder and board member of Norwegian Psychedelic Science and runs an online introductory training in MDMA-assisted therapy for mental health professionals.

Julia King Olivier
(Training Assistant)

MD specialized in Psychiatry with Swiss FMH certifications for Adult as well as Child Psychiatry and Psychotherapy.  She has a Certificate in Psychedelic Assisted Therapy and Research from the California Institute of Integral Studies, and co-founded the Compassionate Care Center in Geneva with her colleague and co-therapist Bianca King, providing legal psychedelic assisted therapy to Swiss residents who meet the appropriate criteria. Julia is a MAPS educated MDMA-AT therapist and Associate Consultant, and part of the Fluence training team. She is also an avid Wim Hof breathwork practitioner and enjoys open water swimming.

Robert Hirsch
(Training Assistant)

Trained as a psychiatrist/psychotherapist in Germany and the UK. Between 2008 and 2018 he studied meditation and Buddhist psychology in Plum Village, France. He currently works part-time at Basel University Hospital. Rob is a Grof®Breathwork facilitator and has trained in Nonviolent Communication and ACT. He holds the Certificate in Psychedelic Therapy and Research from CIIS and the MAPS Certificate in MDMA Assisted Therapy.

Tijmen Bostoen
(Training Assistant)

Psychiatrist and Researcher at ARQ Centrum '45 in the Netherlands, specializes in PTSD pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy. He's a Co-Investigator, therapist and supervisor in a MDMA-assisted therapy trial and has experience with ketamine assisted therapy. His Leiden University Medical Center/ARQ Centrum '45 PhD research explores psychedelics for PTSD treatment.  

Vivian Spiertz
(Training Assistant)

Clinical psychologist/ psychotherapist at ARQ Center’45 since 2017. In the Netherlands, ARQ National Psychotrauma Centre treats people with complex psychotrauma symptoms. Experienced with EMDR, Schematherapy, Narrative exposure therapy. A MDMA assisted psychotherapy therapist with MAPS at MP18 and supervisor in training. Working with first-responders, refugees and victims of (sexual) abuse and human trafficking with severe PTSD. Also an aspiring equitherapist and interested in the work of Deb Dana and Janina Fischer.

Will Siu
(Training Assistant)

Completed medical school at UCLA and graduate school at Oxford University, before training as a psychiatrist at Harvard. Dr. Siu began his education in psychedelic medicine by joining MAPS's MDMA Therapy Education program in 2014. He pursues his interests in psychedelics as a practitioner, educator, and speaker. He maintains an integrative, holistic psychiatry practice in New York.

Rick Doblin

Founder and President of the 37-year-old Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS). His professional goal is to develop legal contexts for the beneficial uses of psychedelics and marijuana, primarily as prescription medicines but also for personal growth for otherwise healthy people, and eventually to become a legally licensed psychedelic therapist.

Angelica Garcia

Project Manager for MAPS’ therapist education initiatives, supporting program execution and development. Angelica's long-term goal is to advance psychedelic education with a trauma-informed focus. She is passionate about making psychedelic medicine inclusive and accessible to all, especially communities of color and those who have been historically underrepresented in clinical research.

Charleen Justice

Executive Manager to MAPS Founder and President Rick Doblin, Ph.D. She works diligently to break intergenerational cycles of addiction, abuse, and incarceration, and transform her diagnosis of PTSD into post-traumatic growth. She is passionate about empowering people from all walks of life to gain the knowledge and skills to heal trauma and foster resilience.

Whitney Wilhelmy

Executive Assistant to MAPS Founder and President Rick Doblin, Ph.D. While studying cognitive science at UC Berkeley, she began volunteering with Zendo Project. Whitney joined MAPS as a full-time staff member in 2019. Upon potential FDA approval of MDMA-assisted therapy for PTSD, she looks forward to continuing her career in the realm of psychedelic-assisted therapy.

Zane Bader

Communications Officer at MAPS and sits on the Board of Directors of the Southeastern Coalition for Psychedelic Practitioners. He has spent his entire career in the drug policy reform movement — before joining MAPS, he spent five years doing public relations for the cannabis industry and previously served on the Board of Directors of Students for Sensible Drug Policy.

Our sponsors

Friðrik Steinn

We extend our deepest gratitude to Friðrik Steinn and Sigurður Gísli for their significant contributions, without which this transformative educational journey would not have been possible for many.

Sigurður Gísli

It is with heartfelt appreciation that we acknowledge the role our sponsors have played not only in the financial aspects but also in fostering a sense of community within the Nordic psychedelic landscape. By supporting this initiative, they have helped create connections that enrich the collective experience of our participants, bringing the Nordic psychedelic community closer together.

Nordic Organizers

Haraldur Örn Erlendsson (Iceland)

 Iceland medical school graduate, with 5 years medicine and neurology training,  5 years  general practice followed by training in psychiatry in the UK. He worked as a consultant psychiatrist in community mental health teams/ inpatient care. Specialised in complex trauma treatment. Led a private sector service for women with borderline personality disorder.  Also led and managed a mental health team in Iceland in general rehabilitation.  For the last 4 years he has been working in a private outpatient setting.  He has a special interest in Jungian approaches, EMDR and hypnosis. Lately had a growing interest in the field of psychedelics for the treatment of mental health issues especially related to trauma.

Sigridur Sigurdardottir (Iceland)

On ground project manager for the training. She has been organising trips (not psychedelic though), workshops and conferences in Iceland and abroad since 2006. For the last few years she’s been trying to get out of tourism and into more important things, and is now a certified breathwork coach with plans to further her education in breathwork and somatics. Sigga thought she was done with organising until this project came along and she couldn’t say no to being a part of this vital step into the future.

Anders Thingmand (Denmark)

Psychologist and Jungian therapist in private practice. Co-founder and spokesperson of Network for Psychedelic Therapy and Medicine, Copenhagen. Did the MAPS education in New York in 2022, has done lectures about MDMA-AT and is engaged in bringing MDMA-AT to Denmark. Has a special interest in ancient Greek philosophy, phenomenology, depth psychology and the relationship between dreams, psychosis and psychedelic experiences.

Anders Vogt

Integrative Jungian psychotherapist and dreamworker working in private practice in Copenhagen. Teacher/supervisor at the Vedfelt Institute's psychotherapy training program. Deeply interested in dreams, symbols, hermetic philosophy and alchemical psychology.  Completed the MDMA Assisted Therapy education with MAPS in New York 2022. Currently working with integration therapy but hoping eventually to be able to practice psychedelic therapy in a legal setting. 



MDMA-AT for refugees with PTSD (Denmark)

Merete Aasborg

Psychologist. Specialist in psychotherapy. Training in eg. SE and EMDR. Interdisciplinary treatment of traumatized refugees in Oasis, Copenhagen since 2013. Individual therapy, art- and gardentherapy in groups. With colleagues started investigating feasibility and safety for MDMA-at for refugees with PTSD.  Personal experience with dreamwork, holotropic breathwork, Sudarshan Kriya Yoga etc.

Ditte Bruun Eriksen

Clinical psychologist with many years of experience working with traumatized refugees, including a research project investigating the potential of MDMA assisted therapy for traumatized refugees. Recently presented a poster at the Insight Conference in Berlin along with colleagues. Currently working in private practice. Curious about the potential of psychedelic therapy - and how it opens up human consciousness to the wonder and mystery of life itself. Professional interest also motivated by personal experiences. Currently exploring the potential of Holotropic Breathwork.

Louise Tækker

Clinical psychologist and PhD working with refugees at Oasis in CPH using EMDR, TF-CBT, NET, IFS informed. Together with colleagues started investigating feasibility and safety for MDMA-at for PTSD & the refugee population. Also mother to Django and music is very important in her life. Really looking forward to Iceland

Other participants from Denmark

Anita Øland

Licensed clinical psychologist in private practice in Copenhagen. CEO of – a large community of psychologists working together on three locations in the heart of Copenhagen. Has been practicing for 21 years and now  looking forward to immersing herself in a new way to relieve pain and improve quality of life for her clients.

Catharina Messell

Music therapist specialized in developing therapeutic music-solutions for patients and staff at Danish hospitals. Currently working as a psychedelic therapist at the Psychedelic research studies at Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen researching the role of music in psychedelic therapy.

Kristian Reveles Jensen

Psychiatry resident leading a large neuroimaging study on depression and assisting psychedelic research at the Neurobiology Research Unit in Copenhagen. Has worked in the US, UK, Denmark and Greenland. Interested in psychotherapy, gender differences, affective menstrual disorders and the psychological effects of modulating consciousness.

Mehrak Lykkeberg Salimi

Authorised psychologist with more than 20 years of experience. Specialised in treatment of trauma. Former head of treatment section at Center for Sexually Abused. Worked in psychiatry as therapist for outpatients with personality disorders and PTSD, supervisor, chief psychologist and part of the Research unit and Competence Center. Currently in private practise.

Mikael Dupuy Åmark

Medical Doctor graduated in 2020 at Syddansk Universitet.
Completed First Year of specialisation in Psychiatry in 2022. Taken different courses on mind-body connection, such as body-therapy and Qi-gong. Held presentations in hospital settings on the research and progress of psychedelics. Participated in lectures organised by psykedelisk samfund where different experts in the field have shared their knowledge. Wants to learn to facilitate therapeutic sessions, and also expand the research and implementation of psychedelics including MDMA in a therapeutic and inclusive way.

Nina Stenhøj

Passionate psychologist and dancer, working in a psychiatric outpatient clinic for anxiety disorders in Silkeborg, Denmark since 2014. Experienced in a wide range of therapies,. My training includes advanced core ISTDP and accreditation in EMDR. Curiously exploring soul-manifesting and consciousness-expanding modalities for years.

Rebecca Russell

Licensed, clinical psychologist working in own practice. Seeing clients daily for Integration Therapy. After having worked as an Integration Therapist for close to three years now, starting to get a feeling of the potential positive and negative outcomes of psychedelic therapy. With this education, Rebecca hopes to be able to support clients even better than today. She also hopes that this type of therapy will open up to more nature based experiences and in groups in the future.

Silas Andersen

Recently completed psychologist education, with a systematic review about the effectiveness of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy. Believes in MDMA-assisted psychotherapy. However, for MDMA-assisted psychotherapy to find its rightful place, both the volume and quality of the research should be increased - and wants to partake in.

Tina Horsted

MD, specialist in anaesthesiology and advanced pain management. Founder and owner of Horsted Institute- a holistic clinic with focus in medical cannabis treatment in chronic pain management, palliative care and mental health care for co- morbidity as anxiety, PTSD, depression, ADHD, ADD, and addiction. And has slowly started to use Ketamine as the only legal psychedelic option in Denmark. Future aim: To establish a psychedelic clinic in Denmark together with good colleagues in order to provide treatment and better life quality for people/ patients suffering from mental health issues and somatic pain.


Hedda Heidi Anne-Maria Retu

Full time private practitioner 22 years. Background in occupational therapist, clinical sexology and couple therapy,  gestalt psychotherapy and trauma therapy. More recently  ”psycho-spiritual” direction: SAT-program (Glaudio Naranjo), meditation, shamanism, including shamanic healing and soul retrieval. Developed ”nature therapist”-education for therapists and health care professionals. Supervising colleagues now also big part of work life.

Heikki Vanhanen

Clinical psychologist from Finland. Has worked in the mental health field since graduation in 2019. Currently working as a therapist in a clinical trial examining the use of psilocybin-assisted therapy in the treatment of alcohol use disorder. Background in ACT, insight meditation, and somatic practices. ”Joining these with psychedelic-assisted therapy is my humble interest."

Kitti Katriina Karaksela

Originating from Finnish Lapland, currently residing in Copenhagen. Practicing in a private clinic as psychotherapist – final year of MSc Bodynamic somatic developmental psychotherapy studies. Working with Gestalt, TRE, Mindfulness and Holotropic Breathwork. Working with altered states since 2007 with several long journeys to Latin America to study under multi-generational practitioners in Colombia, Peru and Brazil. Passionate about a relational approach that integrates plant wisdom, somatic movement, and native traditions with current scientific studies. Background in performative arts, environmental installation, puppet theater and community organizing.


Auður Elísabet Johannsdóttir

Nurse for 20 years and diploma in Health of Sciences. Craniosacral, hypnosis therapist, EMDR/ IFS informed woman.  For 17 years working in women‘s department (emergency and outpatient department) and taking care of women with cancer and their family in end-of-life. Almost 10 years working at the Icelandic cancer society in counseling and patient support. Very interested in psychedelics for the mind, body and soul, specialy for the nervous system and end-of-life distress.

Berglind Ólafsdóttir

MA/MFT Master of Marriage and Family Therapy. Has worked in private sector before opening her own private practice with colleagues. Working with couples, individuals and families with addiction, codependency, and various mental health problems, including trauma. Training in couples therapy and hypnotherapy. Has a great interest in the mind-body connection, and is also a trained soundhealer. Very interested in MDMA treatment and its helpful effects on trauma and would like to work in that modality when it becomes legal. Graduating from the Integrative Psychiatry Institute in October 2023 as a pshychedelic assisted therapy provider.

Edda Arndal

Somatic Psychotherapist-CIIS and a Nurse-UI specializing in trauma therapy, couple’s and family therapy and clinical supervision. Trained in SE, EMDR, parts work, EFTand DBT. Studied Hindu and Buddhist medical traditions at CU’s dpt. of Anthropology.  Was on the faculty of The Esalen Institute, Big Sur immersing in community living, body work, assisting and observing the work of many great mentors of the Human Potential Movement. Loves to explore the worlds various cultural fabrics and feels the best on the move. Currently in private practice at EMDR Stofan Reykjavik. Excited about integrating the psychedelic medicine approach into trauma work and couple’s therapy.

Gígja Skúladóttir

Licensed nurse with experience working with people with Substance Use and Co-Occurring Mental Disorders at the national hospital in Iceland. Volunteered at the Harm reduction and needle exchange program. Very passionate about changing the healthcare system for the better, to a more person centered approach, that has more respect for people’s autonomy. Sincerely believes that psychedelic drugs can improve the quality of life for so many people who have underlying traumas that prevent them from coping with life, and hopefully contribute to a new paradigm in health care; away from the medicine model and towards a trauma sensitive approach.

Guðfinna Grundfjörð

Working as a full-time therapist in Eden Yoga and loving every minute of my job. It is such a privilege to work with people and hold space for them to heal. Wanting to expand knowledge and skills to help those that reach out in the widest possible way. Cannot wait to meet everyone, learn and grow.

Gyða Eyjólfsdóttir

Licensed Psychologist, specialist in Clinical Psychology with doctoral degree in Counseling Psychology. Working in private practice in Iceland with adults, specializing in trauma, including PTSD, dissociative disorders and emotional aspects of infertility and chronic pain. Uses EMDR therapy. Has facilitated EMDR therapy training and working on becoming an EMDR trainer. Also trained in Deep Brain Reorienting and Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy. Hopes to be able to work legally with Psychedelic assisted Psychotherapy to help clients in the future. Loves travelling, hiking and connecting with nature.

Helgi Garðar Garðarsson

MD Consultant Pscyhiatrist (Adult, Child and Adolescent psychiatrist). Studied medicine at the University of Iceland and graduated in 1988.  He did his postgraduate training in Denmark. Psychotherapy is his strength and he has trained in various modalities including Psychoanalytic Psychoterapy, Group Psychotherapy and Jungian Psychoanalysis. He was the medical lead for the psychiatric services in the north of Iceland for over 7 years. He is currently woring at the child and adolescent psychiatric department of Landspítalinn, the National Hospital as well as running his private clinic.

Lilja Steingrímsdóttir

Practicing Bodynamic psychotherapist since 2020. Introduced Bodynamic in Iceland through individual therapy, group therapy and courses. Organizes retreats with wilderness experiences, float therapy and Bodynamic group work. Nurse for three decades, specializing in children, families, and palliative care. Holding a diploma as a homeopath and hiking guide. Seeing great potentials in combining psychedelic therapy with Bodynamic methods to help people with deep and complex trauma.

Lilja Sif Þorsteinsdóttir

Psychologist working mostly with trauma, addiction and people with chronic health conditions, along with preparation and integration of psychedelic journeys. Takes an integrative and holistic stance on the human being, using a blend of many approaches, amonst them EMDR, clinical hypnosis, CBT and mindfulness. Activist for harm reduction and drug reform, both within the therapy field and outside. Trained as a psychedelic assisted therapist by IPI and takes part in the facilitation of (legal) ceremonial psilocybin retreats a few times per year.

Orri Einarsson

Medical doctor. Has practiced as a general practitioner and have speciality in radiology. Currently working part time as radiologist at Sak hospital Akureyri. Always interested in psychiatry. The last two years growing interest in psychedelic medicine. Have plans on working part time in the future with MDMA-AT.

Rosa Richter

Psychologist and expressive arts therapist in private practice since 2014, using mainly expressive arts therapy, IFS and EMDR. Spiritual and holistic approach with an interest in the healing power of nature. Runs group trauma treatment integrating EMDR, expressive arts and mindfulness. Background in Buddhism and yoga, enjoys singing, painting, playing the guitar, nature and the wilderness. Currently enrolled in a wilderness therapy program and IFS training. Hopes to be able to bring deeper healing to clients with psychedelic-assisted therapy in the future. Looking forward to meeting everyone.

Sigurður Hólm Gunnarsson

Occupational therapist and mediator with a career in counselling and management. Completed the Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Training at the Integrative Psychiatry Institute (IPI). Additionally, he acquired MDMA Training through IPI, in collaboration with MAPS. Currently serves as a family counselor and consultant at a private NGO dedicated to supporting parents and children with special needs. Operates the private mediation and counselling practice, “Allir sáttir”. He is the chairman and co-founder of Hugvíkkandi – The Icelandic Psychedelic Society.


Sigurveig Halldórsdóttir

Licensed nurse with a long experience working with patients in mental health care, intensive care, rehabilitation center care and more. Also a hypnotherapist and acupuncturist and has a deep understanding of how diet and nutrition affects mental health. Looking forward to working with patient in this new field.

Steinunn Anna Sigurjónsdóttir

Steinunn Anna Sigurjónsdóttir wanders the intricate corridors of the human mind. With a Cand.psych degree from Iceland's hallowed halls, she co-governs a sanctuary for youthful souls and their families, battling anxiety's shadow. Adept in the mystical arts of TF-CBT, CPT, and EMDR, she seeks the alchemy of psychedelic therapy to heal ancient scars of parental neglect. Her quest extends to MDMA-fueled bonds between couples. In personal realms, she harmonizes in choirs and treks nature's hidden paths.

Þuríður Ólafía Hjálmtýsdóttir

Certified Specialist in Clinical Psychology in private practice. Working with families, individual therapy and organizational development. Would like to combine psychological treatment with psychedelic treatment.


Aimee Nasser Karam

Ph.D in Clinical Psychology with extensive training in cognitive behavioral therapy, from Beck Institute Pennsylvania, Oxford Cognitive Therapy Center, Oxford University and more. Head of Clinical Psychology at the Medical Institute for Neuropsychological Disorders (MIND) at SGHUMC in Beirut, since 1986. Founding member of IDRAAC , Professor at Balamand University, school of Medicine and author of several publications. Served as President of the Lebanese Psychological Association (LPA), from 2017-2019 and a board member. One of the founders, former President current board member of “The Third Voice for Lebanon”, an association dedicated to promote citizenship, peacebuilding actions, diversity, dialogue and justice.

and more...


Psykforsk: MDMA-AT for Depression & ketamine-at research (Norway)

Heidi Kristin Røstad

A clinical psychologist since 2000, with continuous education in Psychoanalytic therapy, EMDR, Mindfulness & Compassion therapy, Bodywork and MBT. Specializes in trauma disorders, eating disorders and now psychedelic integration therapy. She runs her own private practice collaborating with Psykforsk on their MDMA-AT, the MDD study, doing integration therapy, as well as offering Ketaminassisted therapy. Also engaged in the event committee for Psychedelic Therapy in Norway, arranging Psychedelic events.

Ida Falchenberg Espensen

Ph.D. student in integral and transpersonal psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), with a concentration in Psychedelic Research. She works as an assistant in the ongoing trial of MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy for Depression at Ostfold Hospital in Norway and hopes to contribute to establishing psychedelic science as a rigorous and holistic field of study in the Nordics.

Ingrid Autran

Brazilian medical doctor specialized in ketamine treatments and psychedelic harm reduction.
Been working with altered states since age 18, following in her dad’s footsteps at the traditional ayahuasca church UDV. Later set off on a year-long trip to South and Central America, immersing in various shamanic cultures. Now working full-time with ketamine for mood disorders. In 2021, she joined Norway's psychedelic hub, Sykehuset Østfold, where she has been working with ketamine and research. Also the project leader of SafeSpace, a psychedelic harm reduction initiative working at music festivals.

Mark Berthold-Losleben

MA in Religious Science, History and Philosophy and PhD in Medicine. Works in Norway as senior consultant psychiatrist at the ketamine unit in Moss. Associate professor at the Department of Mental Health of the University of Trondheim. Educated in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and recently certified as therapist, supervisor and trainer for the Cognitive Behavioural Analysis System of Psychotherapy. Believes that psychedelics can make psychotherapy as effective as it should be and that MDMA might be a game changer in treatment of PTSD and chronic depression. Very thankful to be part of the MDMA-AT education in Iceland.

Privat clinic lead by Ivar Goksøyr involved in MDMA-AT research (NORWAY)

Akiah Astral Ottesen

Clinical psychologist specialized in sensorimotor therapy for trauma and psychological therapies for psychotic disorders. Especially focused on cross-cultural issues in her practice. Has worked parallel within research and clinical therapy since 2005 and has recently joined a specialized trauma clinic in Oslo, Norway.

Anders Gamstøbakk

Specialist in clinical psychology and psychotherapy. Interested in and work primarily with relational and complex trauma. Very exited about what the psychedelic field might help us learn about ourselves, our patients, but also generational and cultural aspects of our emotional lives and wounds. Hoping it can help us take a step towards more emotional maturity; how we interact and solve problems together.  

Anja Hallan-Wolff

Clinical psychologist with a private practice at Psykologvirke's trauma department. Specializing in EMDR, and IFS, as well as working as a yoga teacher for clients with trauma. Deeply curious about the potential of psychedelic medicine, and especially interested in integration after expanded states of consciousness. Aspiring to support the development of psychedelic science in the Nordics, through both research and as a healthcare provider.

Erlend Ødven Laurhammer

A clinical psychologist, currently in private practice working with Ivar & Co at Psykologvirke Clinic in Oslo. Background from public health services,  in-patient and out-patient clinics. Interested in different therapeutic modalities for healing trauma and especially integrating non-ordinary states of consciousness in this work.

Ida Holth

 Psychologist at Psykologvirke, practicing
ISTDP (Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy). Used to work as an editor
and writer for The Norwegian Journal of Psychology. Background in fine
arts and literature studies.

Øystein Ottesen Nødtvedt

Clinical Psychologist originally from Bergen, Norway now working with individual psychotherapy in Oslo at Psykologvirke since 2020. Completedspecialization in ISTDP and also has experience working part-time as Adherence Rater for the Norwegian MDMA-assisted Psychotherapy study for PTSD led by MAPS. Very excited about being a part of the psychedelic future in our field and community.


Eva Henje & co:
MDMA-AT for depression in young adults  (Sweden)

Eva Henje

Adolescent psychiatrist and associate professor at Umeå University, Sweden, with research focusing on trauma- and stressrelated conditions in young people. Co-investigator in a psilocybin study for depression at Karolinska Universitet and PI for MDMA study for depression in young people at Umeå University. Trained in TF-CBT, EMDR & Somatic Experiencing.

Anisha Larsson

Holds degree in MSc Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience and Existential Counseling.
Works as project coordinator and research for depression in young people and for psychedelic research at Umeå University.
Certified Naturopath, Therapist in dynamic/ interactive/emotion-focused therapy, Yoga & meditation/mindfulness teacher.
Worked in the field as practitioner both in individual and group settings for over 25 years.

Elin Stahre

Licensed clinical psychologist. Worked in general psychiatry 2009-2021, but now in private practice in Stockholm. Worked as a therapist in Sweden's first clinical study with psilocybin at Karolinska Institute. Has facilitated more than 20 psilocybin retreats for the company Nysno. Also works for Fluence training company.

Gustav Martling

Recently graduated as a clinical psychologist at Stockholm university, where he wrote his master's thesis on changes in emotional regulation skills and attachment orientation among psilocybin retreat participants. Board member of the Swedish Network for Psychedelic Science (NPV). Trained in psychodynamic psychotherapy and has a particular interest in ISTDP and its possible applications within psychedelic-assisted therapy. 

Henrik Westin

Clinical psychologist working as the clinical director of a Therapy center for young adults in Stockholm. Specialized in ISTDP. Worked as a therapist in PSIPET, Sweden's first clinical study that examined the effects of psilocybin on depression. Has a great interest in the potential of combining existing therapies with psychedelics to increase their ability to relieve human suffering.

Rex Brangwyn

Osteopath, Psychotherapist, Consultant.MSc EMDR & Traumatology, MSc People & Org Devt.Co-created 3 charities, 2 for youth in crisis, one for ecologic+cultural restoration internationally.Facilitates high-leverage opportunities for individuals, groups, organisations to generate solutions addressing individual and collective polycrisis, locates psychedelic psychotherapy within that context. Soma geek!

MDMA-AT for PTSD-C with victims of sexual assault  (SWEDEN)

Gita Rajan

Founder, president and research leader at the WONSA specialist clinic. Approximately 80% of the patients have been exposed to repeated child sexual abuse. The present psychedelic research focus is on serial single case experimental studies (SCEDs) for MDMA and psylocibine for patients with CPTSD. In her daily work aims to support the world transformation from disconnection and distortion, to connection, clarity and peace. Looking forward to meet, share, listen and learn from everyone at the MDMA-AT education.

Kristina Pettersson

Body/Dance psychotherapist  who has subsequently trained further to,  licensed psychotherapist. Specialized in trauma, she runs her own clinic in Stockholm, Sweden, that collaborates with WONSA (World of no sexual abuse). Kristina has several further educations in the subject. In one way or another, she describes herself as a person who has devoted her life to personal growth with a great interest in both science and the intuitive.

Nils Joneborg

Psychiatrist seeing and sensing the world through a systems lens view and understanding human suffering originating from imbalance in physical, psychological/social and/or spiritual domains. Nils has dedicated his professional life to exploration and application of different strands of integrative medicine and how to create opportunity for individual as well as organisational health. Prototyping and learning in different sectors, Nils sees the disconnection from inner and outer nature to be the greatest cause of disease in social, economic and environmental systems. Co-founder Guardian of Life.

Åsa Karlsson

Licensed Physiotherapist and Psychotherapist working partly in private practice and partly with WONSA in Stockholm. Åsa's orientation as a therapist is somatic, affective, relational and transpersonal. Has completed Saj Razvi´s PSIP-training and work with Ketamine Assisted Somatic Psychotherapy with CPTSD-patiants at WONSA.